Bookkeeping Nampa, ID

Thinking About the Unthinkable

6 steps to minimize the impact of losing your life's work if the unthinkable occurs.

We are watching in shock as the Los Angeles area recovers from one of the most devastating fires in California's history. Estimates of human and financial losses rise daily. But neither can be accurately measured. From a business perspective, however, there are a few things that can be done now to minimize the impact of losing your life's work if the unthinkable occurs.

1. Place your most important documents and contacts in a safe place (offsite, if possible and appropriate).
2. Ensure that insurance policies are current.
3. Create a staff emergency contact list and update as needed.
4. Check and service fire alarms, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
5. Review building evacuation plans and create an emergency response protocol specific to your office staff.
6. Know the safety codes for your building, coordinating with First Responders, the EPA, etc..

Go to the Small Business Administration website for their Business Resilience Guide.


- Shelley Steele