The small business owner’s guide to saving time, avoiding burnout, and getting back to doing what they love.
Continue Reading It’s happened to all of us (especially the Type A, overachievers of the world). You walk into your local department store or hipster coffee shop and come across the most beautiful notebook you've ever seen. You purchase it, write your name on the inside (and maybe you even write your name or meeting dates for the next week for good measure), then you place it on your nightstand to use the next day. The problem? You promptly forget about it.
Continue Reading Entrepreneurs are the "go-getters." They're the early risers, late to bed, middle-of-the-night writing down their brilliant new idea as fast as they can so it won't escape them kind of people.The energy of their ideas fuels them through endless days of hard work. Here are a few things for entrepreneurs to remember when it all gets to feeling like too much:
Continue Reading If you are running out of bandwidth and you’re spending more time worrying about overages and shortages in your financial reports than the great idea that inspired you to start your business in the first place, then it’s time to hire a bookkeeper. Hiring a bookkeeper doesn’t just mean a quick Google search or reading top reviews like you’re purchasing an item from Amazon. No, this is a process. This process requires you to vet your top picks until you’ve found the right match for YOU.
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